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So What is a Lead Generation Website?

by | Mar 8, 2018 | Lead Generation, Websites

By Wade Danforth

Your website is only as good as the leads it can produce. When we meet with potential clients, we always start our conversation with the statement that we build lead generation websites. So what goes into a website that generates leads? That’s a great question. Below is an outline of the proven techniques we utilize to create strong lead generating websites. These techniques are proven lead generation boosters that can not only increase conversions but also increase your site’s trust factor and authority.

Consider Your Goal

When it comes to lead generation, begin with the end in mind. What exactly does a “lead” mean to you? Defining this will help you determine exactly what actions you want the user to take as they progress through each stage of your sales funnel. Is a lead considered someone who fills out a form? Someone who signs up for a newsletter? Requests a callback? Clearly defining your conversion goals will help you figure out where to start.

Avoid ‘Off the Shelf’ Templates

It should go without saying, but when it comes to quality lead generation, you should avoid any cookie cutter, off the shelf templates. Instead, you should invest in the best possible website you can afford, and make sure your content is clear and optimized. Having a well-designed site increases trust and customer confidence levels when viewing your site or shopping online. That said, it is always wise to have an adequate amount of whitespace. While it seems like a little thing, whitespace in web design can make a big impact. Rather than striving to fill up every inch of empty area on a page, you should give your content, photos, and call to action buttons some breathing room. Many times, filling up all the space only serves as a distraction to your customers and lowers your conversion rates.

Make Sure Your Site is Optimized for Search Engines

If you want to have a website that effectively generates leads, it is absolutely vital that you put effort into boosting SEO. You can have a great website, but it is of no advantage if no one ever sees it.  That’s why it is a huge mistake to ignore SEO. Short for search engine optimization, SEO simply helps your website be found by people searching for products or services like the ones your business sells. Just as the location of products in a store can influence which ones sell more, the SEO of a website can have a significant effect on sales.  In short, SEO helps you get your products and services in front of people who are ready to buy because you can’t generate leads if you don’t have visitors.

Include a Lead Generation Form on Every Page

Having easy access to the actual lead generation form is paramount to increasing the number of viable leads through your website. Remember, you don’t have to get every piece of information from a lead generation form. Asking for less (but key) information will increase form completion rates. Also, placing lead generation forms above the fold increases the likelihood that customers will notice them and fill them out, particularly if there are visual cues such as arrows and an enticing offer such as a free quote. See an example on this homepage: pingstreeservice.com.

Make Sure Your Phone Number is at the Top of the Page

But don’t we want our site to generate clicks? Yes. However, we still do a lot of business by phone and many people still like to talk to a human. Adding a contact number to your website may seem counterintuitive; however, doing so increases consumer trust and lends credibility to your site. Even if your customers don’t actually call, the presence of a phone number does bring them some comfort. See an example on this site: moorerestoration.com.

Include Testimonials

Testimonials are powerful marketing tools. They raise your credibility with potential customers and allow visitors to get an idea of what to expect before buying. Adding photos or even rich media such as video or audio can take them a step further. Solid testimonials can have a powerful impact and lend support to your offer.

Add a Video

Video is another tool worth considering to improve lead generation. Online videos bridge the gap between online and off-line commerce and helps to increase conversion rates. Research has shown that online users who viewed a product video were much more likely to convert over users who simply viewed an ad as videos help the user feel more informed and confident of their purchase.

Your website can help you generate leads. But to get the leads you want out of your website, you need to invest in creating a website that is built to generate leads. That’s exactly what Inspire Marketing can help you do. We have the expertise in marketing, website design, usability, SEO, and technology need to deliver a lead-generating website that meets the needs of your company and your customer. If you want to discuss further, gives me call at 317.220.6005.

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